Mr. James Robbins, OBE
Tel: (675) 326 7257 or (675) 326 7182Fax: (675) 326 7366
The Public Relations and Event Management (PREM) Unit plays many roles in promoting all Schools and their activities in the University, and reporting on those completed or pending events. PREM plays a major role in documenting the "history" of the University, such as Graduation Ceremonies.
PREM also constantly liaise with the print, radio, and electronic media, and, acting on advise, responds to media articles and advertisements. It also promotes the University through public events such as the annual Trukai Fun Run and events with other organisations.
PREM prepared most of the University's public notices and advertisements and prepares promotional materials for conferences, lectures, workshops and such like. PREM also provides academic editing for all University documents such as the annual Orientation Week Program, the annual Prospectus, and all graduation documents. It is also responsible for ensuring the accuracy and readability of all data on the University website.