undergraduate admissions
Postgraduate Admissions

All students, parents, and sponsors are advised of the UPNG Fee Structure for the 2025 Academic Year, as approved by the University Council in 2024. Ensure that you read the accompanying notes for clarification. All fees are in PNG Kina.

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Fees for Postgraduate Programs, by School.

SchoolProgramAurion LettersCoursework or ResearchDuration FT YearsAnnual Program Fee
Humanities & Social Sciences   Master of Arts M.A. Research 2 K7,413.00
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Research 3 K7,413.00
Doctor of Letters LL.D Research 3 K7,413.00
Business & Public Policy Postgraduate Certificate of Business Administration PGCBA Coursework 0.5 K11,862.00
Postgraduate Diploma of Business Administration PGDBusAd Coursework 1 K23,722.00
Master of Business Administration Executives & Master of Human Resource Management MBA &
Coursework 2 K15,725.00
Master of Business Administration CPA MBA CPA Coursework 2 K10,783.00
Master of Accounting and Finance MAcc.Fin. Coursework 1 K27,181.00
Master of Business and Management MBM Coursework 1 K27,181.00
Master of Strategic Management MSM Research 2 K12,355.00
Doctor of Business Management DBM Coursework & Research 3 K17,297.00
Law Master of Laws LL.M Research 2 K11,120.00
Medicine & Health Sciences            Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health PGDPH Coursework 1 K2,169.00
Postgraduate Clinical Diplomas (Anaesthesiology) D.Anae. Coursework 1 K2,169.00
(Child Health) DCH Coursework 1 K2,169.00
(Ophthalmology) DOPH Coursework 1 K2,169.00
(Obstetrics and Gynaecology) DGO Coursework 1 K2,169.00
(Otorhinolaryngology) DENT Coursework 1 K2,169.00
Master of Medicine M.Med. Coursework 4 K4,324.00
Master of Public Health MPH Coursework 2 K11,120.00
Master of Medical Sciences M.MSc. Coursework 2 K9,884.00
Higher Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical and Laboratory Medicine HPGDCLM Coursework & Research 2 K4,324.00
Doctor of Medicine M.D. Research 3 K9,884.00
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Research 3 K9,884.00
Natural & Physical Sciences     Postgraduate Diploma in Science PGDSc Coursework & Research 1 K2,436.00
Postgraduate Diploma of Conservation Planning and Development PGDCPD Coursework 1 K2,436.00
Postgraduate Diploma of Communication in
Science and Technology
PGDCST Coursework 1 K2,436.00
Master of Science M.Sc Research 2 K9,884.00
Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D. Research 3 K9,884.00
Doctor of Science D.Sc. Research 3 K9,884.00


Accommodation Fees for Residential Students (inclusive of meals)

Fee CategoryWaigani CampusTaurama Health SciencesTaurama BOH/BOS, MBBS, DASTaurama Nursing
Basic Twin Share K8,562.00 K8,890.00 K10,247.00 K9,883.00
Single Room K9,885.00 K10,446.00 K11,632.00 K11,247.00
Single/Double with Ensuite K11,072.00 K11,665.00 K12,861.00 K12,476.00
Games Village (Twin Share) K12,000.00      

 Notes on Fees

1. Fees for 2025 will remain the same as in 2024. All students must pay the Compulsory Fees, online, comprising the tuition fee, service fee, administrative fee, and SRC fee.

2. New Students

2.1 Compulsory Fees payable by Postgraduate Students and International Students,including Undergraduate and Postgraduate South Pacific Students and dependents of UPNG Expatriate Staff will pay K533.00 in addition to their annual tuition fees.

2.2 All students who have been selected to study at UPNG will receive a Letter of Offer and an Invoice prior to 15th January 2025.

2.3 New students must pay the Compulsory Fees, online, in full, by Thursday 6th February 2025 to avoid the automatic withdrawal of your offer and place at the University.

2.4 Online and blended learning is now a University requirement, so all new students who have been selected to study at UPNG must bring his or her own laptop.

3. New and Continuing Students

3.1 Fees payable by students on TESAS Scholarships may be adjusted, based on the level of subsidy specified by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology (DHERST), under TESAS. Students are required to pay the compulsory fees, online, in order to register.

3.2 Please note that accommodation on campus is not guaranteed. The allocation of available rooms in the halls of residence is subject to full payment of the compulsory fees, plus 50% of the Board & Lodging fees by Thursday 6th February 2025.

3.3 If you require accommodation on campus, on your arrival, please pay in full the compulsory fees, plus 50% of the prescribed accommodation fees, as advised, prior to taking occupancy of your room.

3.4 The refundable Security Bond fee of K250.00 must be paid by all first-time residential students before occupying their allocated rooms.

4. Continuing Students

4.1 All Continuing students are advised to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 3267321/3267604/3267249. The Proforma Invoice is for the full payment of the Compulsory Fees, online, by Thursday 6th February 2025. No lesser/excess fee payment will be accepted by the system for online registration in 2025. Any queries concerning your Proforma Invoice please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 3267321/3267604/3267249.

4.2 Any continuing students who fail to meet the minimum GPA requirements for progression into the next year of his or her studies MUST NOT RETURN to the University in 2025. If you are unsure of your status, please contact the Academic & Student Administration immediately.

4.3 Students are fully responsible for the payment of outstanding fees that have not been paid by their respective sponsors from previous years, including 2024.

4.4 Student debtors will only be allowed to register, if all outstanding debts accumulated Thursday 6th February 2025. Otherwise, DO NOT RETURN to the University.

4.5 No Letter of Guarantee will be accepted as a requirement for students to register. All compulsory fees must be paid, online, in full, by the required deadlines in order to register.

5. Payments

5.1 All fees of undergraduate programs delivered through the internal mode of delivery must be paid online on the University Information System (UIS) using the BSP Pay platform. The guidelines for information on how to pay the compulsory fees online can be accessed by click here. Read the manual and understand the steps before attempting to pay the compulsory fees online.

5.2 The University will not accept any cash payment for Compulsory Fees into the Tuition Fee Account, except for the board and lodging fee and for those studying through distance mode of delivery. The online platform for payment of Compulsory Fees using BSP Pay will be available by Monday, 20th January 2025. 

Endorsed by

Mr. Roboam Kakap