Covid - 19 Virus Information
Good day everyone:
Many apologies for the silence over the last week. The main reason was that I wanted to report on the decisions from both the government and our very own Council. We now have all these and more importantly, a definite direction in which we are now going to proceed towards.
At the national level, over the weekend, the Controller of the State of Emergency, Commissioner David Manning advised that directives, emergency orders and restrictions are made to protect Papua New Guineans from getting COVID-19 and to stop it from spreading within the country. He appealed to everyone for their patience understanding and cooperation during the State of Emergency.
At the national level, the National Parliament has extended the State of Emergency (SoE) by another 2 months. However the details of how this extension is going to be administered are not clear as yet, especially with regards to the operations of
At the national level, the National Parliament will be meeting this afternoon to discuss the way forward on its measures in managing the Covid-19 virus. We will bring a summary of what the decision is going to be in tomorrow's message.
At the National level, further to yesterday's advice about the additional Covid-19 virus testing laboratory being established here in Port Moresby, the National Covid-19 Task Force is also establishing isolation stations in and around the city
At the national level, an additional Covid-19 virus testing laboratory has been established here in Port Moresby. The PNG Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR) have upgraded their Molecular Hub, which is located at our School of Medicine and Health